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OUGD603 — Brief 09 — Yearbook - Positive Results

It came to Tuesday and we were given a small amount of feedback and it was revealed that our team had won the pitch. (Woohoo).

This felt great and reinstated some confidence in our presentation. Unfortunately it was overheard that some people were unhappy with the tutors' decision and were going to make an effort to express that. This was really disappointing to hear and made me feel like some of the people around us were acting quite immature over the situation. 

Rather than dwelling on it, we got together the following day to receive a more focused amount of feedback from Danny and then made ourselves a short action plan.

We had another presentation to give to further explain our concept and any developments since. Our first priority was to make our concept clear to those who either didn't like it or couldn't understand it.

Other than that we decided we should make a physical mock-up of what we were aiming for, develop the concept further afield from the book and into way-finding, merchandise, and environmental design.

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