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OUGD603 — Brief 09 — Yearbook - Biography + Spreads

As part of the presentation we needed to show some examples of page spreads as well as the half-page insert between it.

Because I have photographed my work, I was chosen to be the example.

Me, Harrison and Jasper went to the library to seek some examples of layouts for images only and we really loved this example of hairline margins to use up the spread-space effectively.

I picked out some completely different pieces of work so we could see it at it's least organised or consistent and gave it a go with a few different variations of layout but after seeing it we felt like it needed more framing to tidy it up.

We looked at some more books and thought that a combination between a higher spaced gutter (example 1) and more intimate margins (example 2) would hold the page a lot better.

Using a set of 12mm outer / 18mm inner margins / 7mm gutters I created another grid system that would aid in framing the individual photographs and allow breathability between them.

This worked a lot better and the rest of the group agreed that it presented the photographs more dynamically without feeling overcrowded.

The next part was to design the insert for between the spread to hold the information on.

I worked out my bio info and then began designing possibilities using the dimensions of the insert which would be half the normal pages (8.5 x 17 cm).


I am a graphic designer with a strong passion for the concepts and construction of independent brands, fused with an interest in the impact that can be delivered by type & image in the form of both physical products & screen based media.


Bikes, Beers, and Burgers.


Intern at Analogue Creative.

Selected Clients — Kinoko, Tokyo Fixed, & Restrap.


Dialogue Exhibition (Leeds 2014)


+44 (0) 7788 587 307

Me and Jasper went into the corridor and quickly took my photo to use and I quickly edited it to black and white half-tones.

Our final decision was on the option below. We felt that the space was well distributed and it had a cleaner and well constructed appearance that linked to our creative practice and professionalism as a course.

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