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OUGD603 — Brief 08 - Tokyo Fixed Jersey Kit - Jersey Mock-Ups

"Hi Alex, 

We have some more work for you. Could you have a go at applying the Bonsai pattern to the Jersey template attached please. Trying out a few variations with different spacing and sizing. We want the design to go all over the jersey but when doing this mock up remember that the panels will not align properly because of sizing so mask the front and back panels separate from the sides and arms. 

Just use the the final colourway you sent over with the finished design. We dont want you spend to much time on this if possible just a few basic mock ups.


I opened up the pdf attachment supplied and cleaned it up a bit before preparing the fill masks below the lines on which I can apply the different variations of pattern with a more natural cut and sew effect on each panel.

I started with more close together trees and created three variations leading to the most space between trees. I also added some variations of pocket finishing at the end as mentioned in the e-mail.

Personally I felt that the first option was far too busy to remotely look appealing to the eye, but the second and third had a charm from the breathability which would work really nicely with the line based half-tones the print would be finished with. 

In regards to the pockets, I wasn't keen on the pink one as it stuck out like a sore thumb and wasn't working as an attribute to the kit or style. My favourite was the blank one as it simplified the design slightly more and gave a bit of rest away from the rest of the kit.

My next e-mail from Josh read:

"Hi Alex, 

This is a good move forwards! We really need to get the design wrapped up now. Is it possible for you to do a version when the trees are much larger and randomly spaced out? Dont worry if the trees get cut off in parts 

Some of the smaller ones seem to look messy I think. 

Just 2 versions both with the pink pockets. 


Fortunately, he completely agreed with me with the spacing and after thinking about it, the pink pocket could look quite good in final form (not flat illustration mockups).

I created two more variations to respond to his request, one with much bigger trees but both with more random spacing and pink pockets.

I was very happy to hear that they had resorted to an earlier colour way I completed based on traditional oriental china ornaments. I felt that this worked best in it's minimalism and it wasn't at all garish.

In the feedback e-mail, detail was brought up and it was mentioned to experiment with key-lines for a more textured outcome.

Max and Josh were really happy with the finished piece and decided it was ready to go into the final stages of development by their in-house team before getting sent off for production. 

I am no longer sure if they will be made in time for the module hand-in but I am holding onto hope that it's faster than I assume!

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