Week 01 —
07 / 05 / 2015 — £18,751 raised / 250% funded / 541 backers.
We couldn't of asked for a better week really. Half way through our first day we became a Kickstarter Staff Pick. We hit our target on the evening of day two. On the third day we were featured on pedal consumption. On the final day of week one we became Kickstarter's Featured Project in the Design sector. And we reached our stretch goal of £18,000 which will allow us to afford to get each buckle injection moulded to present the Restrap logo.
14 / 05 / 2015 — £28,174 raised / 375% funded / 800 backers.
As we had such a great first week, we needed to some-how keep the escalation on the progress and the only way we could do that was through further promotion. Nathan spent his efforts contacting blogs, local clubs, and possible press opportunities while I kept up to the visual promotion through updating backers and generating social media assets. The graph shows that we haven't failed in this as it has retained a very slow bending line rather than going flat or not moving up far. We have started to average at £1,878 a day which has allowed the campaign to go even more beyond what we anticipated.
Action plan is to continue with promotion efforts and try to reach £35,000 by the start of our third campaign week.
Week 03 —
21 / 05 / 2015 — £37,188 raised / 495% funded / 1,048 backers.
With 10 days to go, we were on a very good run. We have somehow reached past the 10,000 backers checkpoint and raised nearly 500% of our target. Nathan has stopped promoting the campaign other than his social network pages as his last kickstarter project is in the product manufacturing stage in his workshop and his time is limited. We have been featured on another couple of blogs such as Supercompressor and Singletrack World.
The only way from here is up and even though this is my last update before the module hand-in tomorrow, I will update this post on the day that the campaign ends for the interest of external audiences.
I am absolutely blown away by the support and funding that this project has gained, it has definitely put my work on the map and I am so excited to see the result of how much further it will go in just short of another two weeks.
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