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OUGD603 — Brief 01 - Halleycat 2014 - Printed Materials - Part 2

The map for the event would be an important hand-out for the people taking part in the event. This would be sure that everyone knew exactly where we were going for what competition and gave a more constructed and organised plan to the evening.

Tim emailed me the location of each competition along with their order.

I pitched the idea of a fold out map which also had other info almost like a booklet that they could keep after the event which Tim said would be great.

This was the most efficient way of folding it as it gave plenty of room for other information needed. I set up a grid with four columns and two rows with 10mm margin on each section (20mm gutters) so I was able to define the folds.

Within the handout I covered the front and back pages with the main logo and the sponsors on the back. Upon opening it the user would see a double page introduction spread. I then left the last page blank where I would explain the different competitions.

When folded out as a side, the user would be prompted to open up fully for the event map with the upside down cross pointing to the opening.

I wanted to make sure what I was doing would turn out right so I printed one out on my home inkjet and mocked it up. This would help me if any amendments needed to be made.

Everything worked perfectly as planned, one thing I needed to do was make all the photos consistent in their curves and light balance so they all blended together. I sent the photos to Tim and he said everything was perfect but wanted the sponsor order to be changed a bit (which I admittedly put in no order at all).

After speaking to Tim a bit more, I had an idea of instead putting details on the competitions on the blank spread, I could put them on the map side and use the spread to promote users to tag things with #tnrhc (The North Race Halleycat) on social networks for both promotion and an easy way of logging everything.

Finally I needed to illustrate the map and event key for the other side of the handout.

After completing the Leeds road-system, I added markers where the different competitions were happening using the cross logo and a number to link to the key for the handout.

This all fit together perfectly when scaled down to the printed size and the individual competition logos slotted in on the side as a key along with address, number, and description of the competition.

I printed these down in the digital print facilities on James' new postscript printer to get the best possible clarity of print for the wheel details.

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